Saturday, October 15, 2011

Break out the sewing machine....

Have you been working on Halloween costumes this week?
Have you ever wondered what brought about this Halloween tradition?

Halloween has long been thought of as the day when the dead can return to the earth. Even though the superstitions and customs surrounding Halloween have evolved over the years, wearing costumes on October 31 is still a tradition. Below you'll find a little history of Halloween costumes and fabulous costumes ready to ship today (just in case the sewing machine needle is mysteriously broken). Spooky!
The ancient Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is the present day United Kingdom, Ireland and northern France, celebrated Samhain (sow-in) on November 1. It marked the end of the autumn harvest and the beginning of the cold, dark, winter.

The Celts believed that on the night before Samhain (October 31) the boundary between the living and the dead was unclear. Ghosts of the dead were believed to return to earth causing trouble and damaging the community’s food supply. To protect themselves, Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes, typically of animal skins and heads, to fend off the wandering ghosts. When the celebration was over, the Celts lit their hearth fires from the community bonfire to protect them during the coming months.
 As European immigrants came to America, they brought their Halloween costumes with them. The early settlers had many superstitions and continued to believe they could avoid being recognized by the ghosts that came out on the night of Samhain by wearing masks. They would also place bowls of food outside their homes to satisfy the ghosts and prevent them from entering the home, which could be how trick-or-treating originated.
Today Halloween is one of the oldest and the second most popular celebrations (only to Christmas). Millions celebrate the holiday each year without knowing its origins. Some view Halloween as a time for fun, friends and family. Others still believe in the superstitious of the past or ties to the deceased. Some religions even view it as an unholy holiday. But whatever your view, you cannot deny the fascinating nature of Halloween.

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